Home Investors Analyst Coverage


Analyst Coverage  
Company Name
Capital Investment Management Corp.
Cathay Futures Securities & Futures Advisory.
Concord Securities Co., Ltd.
Deutsche Bank in Asia Pacific.
Credit Suisse
Fubon Securities Investment Service Co., Ltd.
Horizon Securities Co., Ltd.
Jihsun Securities Investment Consulting Co., Ltd.
Masterlink Securities Investment Advisory Co., Ltd.
Mega International Service Co., Ltd
President Capital Management Corp.
SinoPac Securities Investment Service.
Yuanta Investment Consulting Co., Ltd.
(Order by company name)
Attention: Above list is prepared in accordance with an objective standard of GMT based on information available to the GMT at the time of posting. Please note that there may be other analysts who are not included in this list and that the information may not always be up to date.
  • This list is posted not for the purpose of soliciting or recommending trading in GMT's shares, but for the purpose of providing investors with information about analysts who analyze the performance, etc. of GMT and make forecasts, along with their institution affiliations.
  • Analysts included and not included on this list analyze the performance, operations, products and technologies, etc. of GMT and forecast financial results based on their independent judgment. GMT is not involved in any of these processes. In addition, GMT will not support or guarantee the forecasts, opinions or recommendation of these analysts.
  • Please invest at your own discretion and risk.