Home Investors FAQs



Company Information

1. When and where was GMT founded and incorporated?

2. How many employees currently work at GMT?

3. What is GMT's Company Vision Statement?

4. Where to find the overview on GMT's business operations?

Company Stock & Shareholder Information

1. When was GMT’s Initial Public Offering (IPO)?

2. What stock exchange is GMT traded on and under what ticker symbol?

3. How to find information on GMT's historical stock prices?

4. What is GMT's dividend history?

5. Who is GMT's transfer agent?

Investor Information

1. Where to obtain a copy of GMT's most recent financial statements?

2. When is GMT’s fiscal year?

3. When is GMT's quarterly earnings release date?

4. What independent registered public accounting firm audits GMT’s financial statements?

5. How can I contact GMT's Investor Relations?